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Limited support – Please submit a Help Request from your training account and we will respond as quickly as possible.
This is a technical error caused by how you hold your phone each time you click on the green play button when you launch the lesson.
To fix this problem click on the button at the top of your phone screen that lets you view all tabs. Look for a tab labeled "Untitled," or "EZ Untitled," close this tab. Next you will need to turn your phone sideways (as shown on the below). Once the phone has been turned on its side, launch the lesson by clicking on the green play button.
I still can't see the 'Close' Button, where is it?
Depending on what mobile device you have, the 'close' button likes to hide. Here's how to find it. Launch your lesson with your phone turned horizontally.
Next, hold your finger down on the screen and start dragging the screen to look for the 'close' button in the upper right hand corner. Once you see it, click on it to 'close'.
Do not use the Internet Explorer browser.
Switch to a different browser. First try Mozilla Firefox. This is the best one to use if you are using an Android Phone or a tablet. If that doesn't work, switch to Google Chrome.
Downloading a browser is super easy and free. First, you will need to go into the Play Store for Android or the App Store for iPhone. Once there, click on the search bar and type in “Free Mozilla Firefox browser” or “Free Google Chrome browser,” depending on what kind of phone you have. Both apps are free. After you search and find the browser you want to download, click “Install”. Wait for the app to finish downloading (this takes about 10 seconds.) When the app is done, click open and then launch the website, login as a returning student and then launch your lesson by clicking on the green play button.
This is a technical error caused by how you hold your phone when you launch the lesson or click on the green play button. To fix this problem click on the button at the top of your phone screen that lets you view all tabs. Look for a tab labeled "Untitled," or "EZ Untitled," close this tab. Next you will need to turn your phone sideways (as shown on the left below). Once the phone has been turned on its side, launch the lesson by clicking on the green play button.
You have to switch browsers. First try Mozilla Firefox, if that doesn’t work try Google Chrome. If this still does not work and you have an Apple/iPhone product, you may try Safari.
First you need to open up Internet Explorer and click on the gear icon in the top right hand corner. Then click on the 'Internet Options'; tab. A new window should pop up and at the top of the new window you should see multiple tabs. Click on the 'Privacy' tab. Here you should see an option that says 'Turn on Pop-up Blocker.' Make sure the box is unchecked next to this option. Now your lessons should load and you should be able to start or continue your courses.
While watching videos, you must wait until the video tab tells you it is done. If you hit the close tab before the last second of the video has played out, it will not be marked 'complete'. If it still doesn’t show completed and you have watched every last second, send us a Help Request.
Login and navigate to the tab labeled ‘Transcript.’ From there, scroll down the page a little and look for an icon to print your certificate.