Case Managers


Welcome to JuvClass powered by Court Solutions Online, the premier provider of online courses. Our name is trusted by more than 10,000 courts, judges, case managers, lawyers, probation departments, schools, and other professionals.

We pride ourselves on offering high-quality courses that encourage active participation and a user-friendly experience for both clients and courts. We offer:

Resources and Offers (Please call 830-372-4555)
  • Administrator Access
  • Bulk Pricing
  • FREE discounts for your clients
  • FREE Course Demos/Samples
Free Downloads

Would you like ADMIN Access?

Interested in having and Admin Account?

Send us an email HERE

Or if you prefer, call us at 830-372-4555 to sign up over the phone.

The benefits of an Admin Account include:

  • A fully online experience using state-of-the-art technology
  • Easily download and print certificates of completion
  • Easily look up your client’s progress, 24/7
  • Capture your client’s login data
  • View chapter status: incomplete, completed, passed, failed
  • Track client’s participation levels: grades and responses to questions

Contact Diana Del Toro or Nora McKinney for additional information at: 830-372-4555


We can also provide you with free open access to all of our courses.


We can provide you with references from other courts and agencies that are finding great success with our online courses.

Our goal is to provide affordable classes that give valuable information to defendants on how to change negative values and behavior by providing awareness and knowledge.

Our programs provide information on making better choices instead of repeating the same mistakes over and over. We explain in detail and in easy-to-understand examples, what the right thing to do is and why doing the right thing will make life better.

There has been an increased need for effective online training that courts and case managers can use to help their clients.

Programs are securely time locked and interactive. All courses have quizzes, essays, and final exams. They are affordable and can be completed 24/7 from any computer, mobile device, or tablet.

For additional information please contact: Diana Del Toro or Nora McKinney - 830-372-4555 or send an email.

Our Securities

With our courses, we integrate state-of-the-art technology to create the highest safeguards in the industry. We offer complete transparency to courts and case managers while ensuring active participation, meaning your client can’t quickly click through the course and receive a certificate without learning the desired lessons and skills.

We have numerous security features to ensure participation and guard against cheating. We don’t just want our users to buy a course, pass it quickly, and get their Certificate of Completion; we want them to learn valuable lessons that will help them improve and succeed in their personal, education, professional, and social lives. People have different learning styles, so we’ve created engaging courses where participants can choose to read the chapters at their own pace or listen to them like an audiobook.

Additionally, each page within a chapter has a timer, meaning participants can’t click through an entire chapter in 30 seconds. They must wait to continue to the next page, ensuring they spend time on each chapter.

To confirm participants have actively engaged with the course, we administer a final exam that includes questions about the course content as well as open-ended questions asking participants how they plan to apply the skills they've learned in their real lives. Case managers even have the option to review their client’s progress and answers 24/7.

And our participants love us, too! We offer:
  • 24/7 online access
  • Mobile, desktop, and tablet accessibility
  • Text and audio options
  • Self-paced courses that can be paused & restarted at any time
  • Court acceptance guarantee
  • Live phone support during business hours
  • Quick contact options outside of business hours for follow-up assistance